

A context contains information about the text style, such as the font and the document width.

new Context(options: Object?)

This will create a new Context with the options specified. options should just contain the properties listed below.


width: number

Default: 400

The document width in pixels.

fontSize: number

Default: 13

The base font size in pixels.

lineHeight: number

Default: 1.5

The line height in multiples of the font size.

indentWidth: number

Default: 16

The text indent width of an indented paragraph in pixels.

doubleHeight: number

Default: 1

The margin above a double-spaced paragraph in multiples of the font size.

boldWeight: number

Default: 600

The font weight used for bold text.

fontFamily: string

Default: `Baskerville, serif

The font family.

codeFontSize: number

Default: 12

The base code font size in pixels.

codeFontFamily: number

Default: Inconsolata, monospace

The code font family.

quotePadding: Object

Object properties:

The blockquote padding.


measureText(text: string, font: Font)

This will return the text width in pixels; measured using a canvas. If there is no DOM API, this will just return the text length.