

A Line is a vertically atomic slice of the typeset document. Documents can be split into multiple pages by simply filling up pages with lines until it hits the maximum height.

new Line(context: Context)

This will create a new line with the specified context. Note that, normally, only the typeset() methods should create lines.


context: Context

The line’s typesetting context.

width: number, height: number

The line’s width and height in pixels.

content: Array

The line’s content. This will contain things like TextNodes or Spacers.

source: Typesettable

The line’s creator. This is usually a ParagraphNode.

lastInParagraph: boolean

When true, this means that this line is the last in the current paragraph and thus, when the text is justified, that it shouldn’t actually justify lest the last line be stretched across the whole context width.



This will update the width and height by adding the contained nodes’ widths and finding the node with the greatest height and multiplying that by the line height.

append(child: any)

This will add the child to the content and update the width and height accordingly.