

extends Typesettable

A ParagraphNode is a single paragraph containing text and images that will be typeset into lines.

new ParagraphNode(context: Context?, properties: Object? )

Creates a new ParagraphNode with a typesetting context and the specified properties. properties should just contain the properties listed below.


context: Context

Default: null

The node’s typesetting context.

indent: boolean

Default: false

When true, the paragraph will be indented.

double: boolean

Default: false

When true, the paragraph will have a top margin.

quote: boolean

Default: false

When true, the paragraph will have padding around it.

separator: boolean

Default: false

When true, the paragraph will be marked as a section separator (like <hr>). This means that the lines should not be distributed across multiple pages.

join: boolean

Default: false

When quote is true, this determines whether or not this paragraph will be joined with the previous. Effectively, this means that when join is false, the quote top padding will be added in a line.

joinNext: boolean

Default: false

This is basically the same as join, except this determines whether or not this paragraph will be joined with the next.

align: number

Default: 0

The text align.

list: number

Default: 0

The list type. This is currently not implemented.

header: number

Default: 0

The header type. This is currently not implemented.

split: boolean

Default: false

Currently not implemented.

When this is true, this paragraph will be treated as if it were the second part of a paragraph split across two pages, thus disabling double-spacing or indentation.

content: Array

The paragraph content, containing things like TextNodes and ImageNodes.

lines: Line[]

After calling typeset(), this will be populated with Lines.


copyFrom(paragraphNode: ParagraphNode)

This will copy all properties from another ParagraphNode to this one.

append(child: any)

This will add a child to the content, unless it’s a duplicate.


This will typeset this ParagraphNode, create Lines, and put them in lines.